Meet the LSTC Tennis Coaches
Please take a look at the LSTC coach's profiles below. Each profile contains information about the current LSTC coaches along with information about their coaching, their fees and links to get in touch with them for 1to1 coaching.
If you have any questions about the team, please contact DRH Sports, or add yourself to the 1to1 coaching waiting list.
Meet Dom, an LTA level 4 tennis coach with over 20 years coaching experience. See his info below:
Meet Rob, a LTA level 3 coach who leads the DRH Mini Academy at LSTC.
Meet Tommy, a level 2 tennis coach with a wealth of experience in the game. See Tommy's info below:
Meet Keith, a level 3 tennis coach with almost 10 years’ experience as a tennis coach.
Meet Carla, a level 3 tennis coach with 15+ years’ experience.
Meet Ethan, a level 2 tennis coach with 5+ years of experience and an passion for helping young tennis players become inspired by the game of tennis.
Meet Jerry, a level 3 tennis coach with more than 40 years coaching experience.
Meet John, an LTA level 3 tennis coach with over 20 years coaching experience. See his info below: