End of Term Reports

Well Done! for completing the recent DRH Sports tennis coaching term. If your group coach has left a report for you, the below info provides an overview what some of the report elements mean. Depending on the type of coaching group you are a part of, the coach may have selected certain elements that will appear within it. For all reports, the coach will have added some unique written feedback at the bottom of the report. Also, for mini groups the coach will generally have added drop down sections for technical and tactical development. 

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About the report

The end of term report is a digital overview of the progress, development and achievements made over the past coaching term, and is intended to help players and parents understand where they currently stand within the complete tennis journey. The report will contain some generalisations and may have different information stated compared to any previous report. Alongside the report, players/parents are encouraged to ask the coaching team if they wish to have their reports explained or if they wish to have further information provided.

- The ticked statements may supersede lesser ones that come before and may be why your coach has not have ticked all of the statements.

- If you have taken part in any of our mid-term skills tests, then your results will be listed at the bottom of the page along with any additional comments from your coach.

Understanding the report levels

Tennis is not a simple sport to grade as it's open and in many cases, a subjective skill until players are at a playing level whereby they can compete. Alongside that, any grading system in place can and will change over time as a player moves through the stages. It's because of this, that at DRH Sports, we've created a system that allows players/parents to view where the player sits on the larger landscape of tennis playing. Please see an overview of the levels below:

The Levels Explained

The levels system is set up to give a snapshot of the players skill level within the range of a complete tennis playing journey. Where level 1 indicates that the player is either in the beginning stages of that skill (or is very young), and level 5 illustrates a player that is not only extremely proficient at the skill, but they are either actively competing or have completed to a high level (county/regional/national level player).

This levels system also means that players will likely see their level scores increase slowly over longer time frames unless they are having multiple coaching sessions consistently each week. This is purely due to the nature of learning and becoming competent at a sport such as tennis which has so many technical and development challenges.

A closer look

Level 1 will generally represent a player who is still within the beginner stages of  their overall tennis development. This does not necessarily mean they are new to coaching but does mean they are still getting to grips with the beginner elements of the game.

Levels 2-3 will generally represent a player who is able to play the game in terms of knowledge and skillset but may or may not yet be at the stage where they can play competitively within or outside of the coaching court. 

Levels 4-5 will generally represent a player who has had a considerable amount of tennis coaching (both individually and within a group setting) and is capable and does compete in tournaments. A player with a level 5 score will mean they are at least a high level county or regional player within their age group. 

Developing the skills & moving up

Like any skill within any sporting dicipline, there's no replacement for consistency and requency. If you play tennis more often and over time, you will imprrove. With that being said, tennis has more technical elements than many and most sports which will generally mean that in order to become proficient, some level of indidual tuition will be required alongside group classes. To understand more about the types of tennis training and what to expect from them, please visit the Expectation vs Committment and Tennis  Training Types webpages. 

The points and badges

Alongside the skills levels that will be shown on the report, you will also see the points that have been achieved by the player (points/badges only available players within the mini group classes - U8/U9/U10). These points are collected throughout the term and are linked to the mid-term assessments the player has taken part in. If the player was present on the day the assessment was performed, they will receive points for it. The higher the number of points, the better the player achieved over the term. This end of term point score will be show within the player's online account (within the DRH Tennis Pro section) and on the end of term certificate.

The badges, which are also linked to the mid-term assessments, give a further overview of the player's progress and achievements from the term. Each badge achieved will be show on the player's account and on the end of term certificate.

These points and badges should be viewed in conjunction with the end of term report statements and the coach's comments to create a realistic overview of the player's development at that time.